Good news, for those of you who bought the PC port of God of War Ragnarok and were immediately a little put off by the PSN account login/link requirement, which has been a bone of contention between Sony and players. Now there’s a mod that may well be able to help you solve this problem.
You may recall that this sort of thing has been a hot topic for many of the PC ports and PlayStation game releases we’ve seen this year. Helldiver 2 suffered a review bombing after PSN account linking became mandatory on PC, leading to its withdrawal. Both Ghost of Tsushima and God of War Ragnarok ended up living in this shadow, with both facing questions and/or negative reviews about how they handled the same sort of thing.
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Enter modder iArtoriasUA (thanks to PC Gamer), who previously added a pause button to Elden Ring and has now created “NoPSSDK”
Besides the name, which makes me chuckle, it also adds a file to the game folder that removes the PSN overlay and is said to mimic a proper offline mode. It doesn’t seem to be completely foolproof, even though many people report that it works just fine for them without any additional fuss.
This is one of those mods that you play at your own risk, given the nature of what it’s trying to do. In my experience, this is the attitude you should take when installing any mod, but it applies even more to mods like this.
It remains to be seen how or if Sony will react to such a mod – which appears to be the first – available, but iArtoriasUA has written in response to comments about it: “I will do my best to maintain the tool, Even though some things have changed, hopefully nothing important has happened.
Are you still unhappy with the idea of having to log into your PSN account when you launch a PC port for a PlayStation-related game? Let us know below!