Metaphor: ReFantazio Don’t hesitate to scare you early in the game. You can’t handle the ferocious monsters in the open area, the first boss almost kills you, and that Captain Klinger guy… well, maybe he’s not That Terrible. The point is, when you see a giant dragon in front of you, you may be tempted to focus on your companion’s fear because such a beast would be too much for you. But if you’re a fan of Treasures – and I’m sure you are – you’re wrong.
Once you see the dragon in the Nord Mines, you’re fully capable of fighting it. when you yes You can ignore it by completing the stealth part, and after defeating Dragon Net you can sell three treasures, and A powerful greatsword. You don’t even need to grind horizontally! As long as you can replenish your party’s HP and enter the battle with 40-50 MP remaining, you should be able to start the battle even on Hard Mode.
In order to defeat this powerful enemy, let’s break down the strategies you’ll need below.
How to Prepare for Fire Dragon Mona Battle Metaphor: ReFantazio

There are two approaches you can take to build your party for this battle.
The first method does not involve any grinding and requires you to visit the merchant located outside the Nord Mines rest area. Of the items he can sell you, you should get five ice cubes. Each of these deals 100 points of cold damage, and you’ll want to buy them all. As you might expect, Fire Dragons are weak to ice, so these items will help your physical attackers contribute to the fight.
Political party composition
Now, let’s talk about the composition of the party. Unfortunately, the default Explorer archetypes are at a disadvantage in this fight due to their weaker firepower. As you might expect, this pair fire dragon. Meanwhile, the Warrior archetype has resistance to fire damage, so you might consider swapping your Explorer user for it to make combat easier. If you’re already using a warrior who knows the “Warm Up” passive skill, they can also get a 10% attack power boost this way.
you do want At least You have a second-ranked mage on your team. In this fight, using Blizzard to deal cold damage is crucial. one mage, warrior, fighter The team will help you complete the battle without any grinding.
The second method, if you don’t mind a little polishing, Just let three second-level mages form a team. This will eliminate the need to purchase ice since the mage itself can cast Blizzard. In addition, if you make the protagonist a mage, he can restore the team’s MP by defeating or stunning enemies in the overworld. But this can leave your team relatively vulnerable, so be sure to plan accordingly.
How to defeat the fire dragon

To be honest, there aren’t any crazy mechanics that you need to deal with here. The Fire Dragon can deal slashing damage to one party member, slam damage to the party, and fire damage to one or more party members. To reiterate the obvious, Fire dragon is weak to iceso you need to take advantage of this strategically. Otherwise, your success in this battle will come down to your mastery of the game’s core mechanics.
Use Blizzard spells or ice items to deal massive damage and gain extra turns. Hitting a weak point only consumes half of the turn icon, while all other actions consume the remainder of the next turn icon on the bar. So for best results, always start your turn with an ice attack, and try to save any moves that don’t hit weak spots for when you don’t have at least a half-diagram alignment. through If only a full turn icon remains, the turn only consumes a half turn icon, which you can use to help the mage cast additional spells before the turn ends.
If you are using Seekers in your party despite my advice above (tsk), try to end the turn with a ward to prevent the Fire Dragon from exploiting their fire weakness. Otherwise, the Fire Dragon will not only deal serious damage, but it will also turn again, potentially wiping out your team. Defending eliminates weaknesses, and jumping to the back row further reduces the damage you take. You can risk it and hope the fire dragon doesn’t target your seekers, but your mileage may vary.
Fortunately, there is an explorer able Increase the damage of other team members by using Talujaka on them. This is best for mages, but warriors will benefit from this as well.
If you don’t have a Pathfinder in this fight, you should have enough healing items to recover from any incoming damage. You should have found a lot drug is on the ground at this time, and fairy dust Items can heal your party in a pinch. Don’t be afraid to use them when you need them.
Remember, if a character isn’t using a physical attack, they have no reason to end their turn in the front row! Just keep chipping away at the Fire Dragon’s health, allowing your team to heal, and it will go down.
Reward for defeating Mona the Fire Dragon

After victory, you will receive 263 EXP, 210 A-EXP, 1000 MAG and 1000 Money. Additionally, you’ll find amethyst, giant iron, lustrous fur, and onyx treasures that can be sold for cash. The grand prize is the Dragon Greatsword, which will be quite an upgrade for any warrior who wields it. And don’t forget, all your hard work will carry over into the full game when it’s released. Good luck, Dragon Slayer!