Jeff Bridges wasn’t the biggest fan of his 2010s show Tron: Chronicles.
The Oscar-winning actor recently starred with Josh Horowitz happy sad confused During the podcast, the host asked him what he thought about his image being digitally scanned in a film directed by Joseph Kosinski.
“This is a new thing… when we did this, I was scanned and put into the computer Genesis 2 — What is it called? — heritage,” Bridges said. “I don’t particularly enjoy this kind of self-entertainment. I feel like I look more like Bill Maher than myself.
The actor reprises his role as video game designer Kevin Flynn. Tron: ChroniclesIt’s been nearly thirty years since the 1982 science fiction classic TRON. But the sequel, starring Garrett Hedlund and Olivia Wilde, also stars a de-aged version of himself as Clu (Codified Likeness Utility).
Bridges will also return in the upcoming film Creation: Aresstarring Jared Leto, Evan Peters and Greta Lee, but he told Horowitz he would only make a brief appearance. The film, directed by Joachim Ronning, tells the story of Ares (Leto), a highly complex program who is sent from the digital world into the real world on a dangerous mission.
elder Hoshiya looked back at the original work createHe described it as “weird,” adding, “The weird, unfinished stuff is somehow safer. Because there’s nothing to compare it to. It’s just there.”
Last month, Bridges teased Creation: Aresscheduled to be released on D23 on October 10, 2025. “Technology and artificial intelligence are everywhere in our lives,” Bridges said of what fans can expect. “This is the perfect time to relive the world. Or, let the world visit us, because that’s what happens in this movie.