Remember the day before? Remember the seemingly never-ending scandals that games and their developers continued to create? You probably did; that was a while ago. Fntastic, the studio behind this chaos, is back with a new project.
This time, the developers are asking for player support before releasing any content or hyping up the game. Fntastic is taking the crowdfunding route and its next project is Escape Factory.
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Escape Factory, whose Kickstarter campaign has just launched, is pitched as a physical-based multiplayer game in which four to eight players try to escape the chaos of a dangerous factory. It sounds great, and the one-minute trailer on the page does look capable and achievable.
Unlike The Day Before, Fntastic doesn’t seem to be over-hyping Escape Factory’s premise, and the Kickstarter crowdfunding goal is $15,567. However, the developers are aware of its sordid history but want players to give it another try.
“Today, we need your support again to help fund our new game, Escape Factory, and bring Fntastic back to life,” the opening line of the Kickstarter message reads. “We sincerely apologize for what happened and are committed to making things right.
“We invite you to take a look at our plan, Fntastic 2.0, where we will share how to correct the mistakes of the past and prepare to come back better,” it continued. Fntastic 2.0 is a “revival plan” for the studio, an approach it says will be built on honesty, transparency and professionalism – all elements whose absence has contributed to the studio’s current image.
This is actually not Fntastic’s first foray into crowdfunding. One of the developer’s early projects, Wild Eight, was funded on Kickstarter. The survival game was so popular that Fntastic sold the rights to HypeTrain Digital, who hired Baodian to continue development of the game.
However, despite the small funding goal, the saga of Day Before may have made most people give up on the studio and its games for good. In January, after everything was said and done about the game, Fntastic returned with a head-scratching, flippant announcement that did its reputation no favors.
Thanks, PCGamer.