Created by: Bob Kane and Bill FingerBatman first appeared in detective comics Story #27, “The Chemical Syndicate Case,” takes place in 1939. Now, on the 85th anniversary of the iconic character’s birth, DC Comics Seven artists were invited to create original artwork inspired by the first issue of “Batman” in the “Batman 85 Artist Series”. One of the artists is famous final fantasy illustrator Amano Yoshitaka.
Amano showed off a collage of his work from the Batman 85 Artist Series on his Instagram account on September 20. Three separate images of the work.
In the press release, DC Comics Announcing their collaborations with seven artists: Caledonia Curry (Swoon), Hebru Brantley, João Marco, Sandra Fabara (Lady Pink), Mirka AndolfRamhan and Amano Yoshitaka.
The press release also stated that the seven works will be displayed at events in Tokyo, Japan; Weeze, Germany; Guangzhou, China; and other locations. The events will also feature merchandise featuring artwork from the Batman 85 Artist Series. However, some products can also be purchased through the DC Shop website.
direct current Youtube The channel also released a video on September 22 starring Batman 85 Artist Series artist Hebru Brantly discussing all things Batman. DC Comics It hasn’t been revealed if each artist in the Batman 85 Artist Series will receive their own video, but hopefully they will.
After drawing the cover Detective Comics, Sandman, and supermanAmano has created an evocative work for Batman. It captures the feel of the late 1930s and early 1940s, with some shades associated with Batman.
Source: email correspondence, Yoshitaka AmanoInstagram account, DC Shop, DC Youtube channel