Netflix releases trailer for critically acclaimed documentary on gamers Ibelin’s extraordinary life. This film tells a touching and inspiring story Mats SteenNorwegian gamer passed away at age 25 from degenerative muscle disease.
In the document, “When Norwegian gamer Mats Steen died of a degenerative muscle disease at age 25, his parents mourned his lonely and isolated life. What they didn’t realize was that Mats’ long-term has had a profound impact on the gamer community.
“The film takes us on a journey through Mats Steen’s adventurous online life and introduces us to Ibelin, his charismatic character in World of Warcraft.
“Through reconstructed animated moments from his gameplay, narration entries on the blog, and interviews with Ibelin people who knew him, a picture of an exceptional young man emerges that emphasizes community and deep affection. How relationships transcend the boundaries of the physical world.
This looks like an inspiring and optimistic story, and looks like a movie worth watching. The film premiered at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival in January, where it won the Director and Audience Awards.
Premiere on Netflix Ibelin’s extraordinary life It will be released in select theaters on October 18, 2024 and will be broadcast on October 25