Sylvia Sherwood in Spies x Family
Sylvia Sherward (voiced by Yuko Kaida and Stephanie Young), also known as “The Handler”, is a character in the manga and animated series spy x family. She is a top WISE agent and the leader of Operation Strix. She was Ludd Fogg’s manager and mentor. Sylvia is a striking woman with long auburn hair and round glasses. She wore a wide-brimmed hat, a black dress, a white shirt, a black tie, fishnet stockings, and black heels. Finding something that exactly matches her outfit can be difficult, so you may need to get a little creative to recreate her look. You could simply layer a black long-sleeved dress over a white blouse, but if you want to get closer to her look on the runway, use a pair of sharp scissors to cut the front of the dress off to make it The front is shortened and then sealed. Add a plum ribbon to your black hat to add a pop of color and prove your attention to detail.
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