The game’s release date on PS5 in Japan is still to be determined

© Pocketpair, Inc.
Official Japanese twitter) Pocketpair’s account friend world Wednesday Games confirmed the game’s game console 5 version will not launch on the same day in Japan. this game console 5’s release date in Japan is still to be confirmed, although the game launches on consoles in 68 countries on the same day. Pocketpair itself is a Japanese company.
Pocketpair first launched friend world The multiplayer survival game will be available as a Steam Early Access game on January 19th. The game had 25 million users within a month of its release.
Sony Music Entertainment Japan Announced in July that it and its subsidiaries Anne PraxA new joint venture was formed with Pocketpair called Palworld Entertainment.
Nintendo and The Pokémon Company On September 18, Pocketpair filed a patent infringement lawsuit with the Tokyo District Court, claiming that the game infringed Nintendo and The Pokémon Companypatent rights and seek an injunction and damages for infringement. Pocketpair responded that it “doesn’t know the specific patent.” [it is] is accused of infringement, and [it has] No notification of these details has been received.
Players and critics initially noted the design differences between many of the game’s “Pal” creatures. Pokémon franchiseThe titular Pokémon. The Pokémon Company A statement will be issued soon friend world The release states that the unnamed gaming company is being investigated for possible copyright infringement.
Source: Palworld JapanX/twitter Through Bamaji Gong’s account