Elden Ring: Shadow of the Eldtree A new flashy spell called “Rugalia’s Roar” has been added. If you enjoy roaring at enemies to deal serious damage, whether on the streets or in the game, this powerful spell might be just what you’re looking for. All you have to do is defeat the big bad bear guarding it.
Here’s what you need to know about Lugaria’s Roar and where to find it.
Rugalea’s Roar Statistics and Features
Rugalian Roar uses 1 memory slot, requires 17 FP to cast, and requires 14 Faith to use.
This spell emits a huge roar, dealing massive damage to enemies in the surrounding area. It also deals a lot of balance damage, which means it’s great for interrupting enemies approaching you by stunning them. Even better, if you round up, you can increase the damage it does by 15% larva fur. And be sure to charge up your attack to make it even more powerful.
Lugaria’s Roar item description
The item description for Rugaria’s Roar is as follows:
“A spell nicknamed the ‘Bear Communion’.
Channel the power of the great red bear Rugaria.
He transformed into a big red bear and let out a powerful roar.
Charging increases performance.
This spell is more akin to the Divine Call of the Horn than to the Communion of the Dragon. Only in a desperate struggle against the wild wilderness can one discover his own god.
Where to find Rugaria’s Roar
You can find Rugaria’s Roar by defeating Rugaria the Big Red Bear in the Rua Base area. First, you need to fast travel to the Grays North Canyon Ruins.

From Grace Land, head northwest through the forest, fighting off any bears that get in your way. You’ll eventually find Rugalea the Great Red Bear, a hulking bear who can do some fighting. Fortunately, it only has a few main attacks and can be learned quickly, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble defeating this enemy after a try or two.

When you defeat Rugaria the Big Red Bear, you’ll instantly be rewarded with Rugaria’s Spell Roar, so go equip it and start yelling.