As part of Netflix Geek Week, the streaming giant has released a new trailer for its upcoming movie Devil May Cry animeand an April 2025 release date.
The anime, part of a collaboration between Netflix and Capcom, sees protagonist Dante (voiced by Johnny Youngbots) charging through a hail of gunfire and performing a variety of uniquely Dante-esque moves. Big sword, dual pistols, pizza. Everything is there. The film is directed by Adi Shankar, who you may know from “Defender,” “Castlevania” and “Captain Laserhawk.”
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For Devil May Cry fans, this is an interesting trailer to delve into, especially when it comes to when exactly it takes place in the Devil May Cry canon. Some fans have spotted scenes that look like they’re from the DMC3 prequel comics, especially the mysterious rabbit that appears at the end of the trailer. So it looks like this anime could be somewhere between DMC2 and DMC3, and interestingly, it’s a pseudo-sequel to the original Devil May Cry anime released in 2007.
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Other interesting tidbits include Johnny Young Boss voicing Dante, which we already knew about before the trailer, although this is the first time we’ve heard him play the character. Interestingly, he is the voice of Nero in the Devil May Cry series, which makes him the voice of two members of the Spartan family at the same time. For those less familiar with his career, Johnny is a prolific voice actor who has lent his voice to Akira, Yakuza, and Code Geass, among others.
As far as initial impressions go, the trailer looks great! Animated by Studio Mir (The Legend of Korra) and Shankar Animation (Adi Shankar’s own animation company), the film also has some hits for fans of the visual effects. April can’t seem to come soon enough.