The Transformers character will make his big screen debut this summer in a new Superman movie played by an actor Anthony Carrigan. It looks like DC is in the lead in this game. Today, the publisher announced a new Transformers: Elementals Ongoing series by writer Al Ewing and artist Steve Deere with colorist Lee Loveridge Arrives this December.
The official press release and preview images are as follows:
“This is 100 percent funny comics, presented with complete confidence, genuine joy and absolutely no winking at the camera,” Ewing said of the new series. “This is a love letter to Bob Haney, Ramona Fradon and the wildest, weirdest superhero spirit – our goal was to capture the spirit of Metamorpho Taking the essential craziness, like lightning in a bottle, and making it wonderful in our own special way.”
“It was such a pleasure working with these collaborators on this book,” Lieber shared. “Al Ewing’s script is an absolute joy to watch, and Lee Loveridge’s colors are impeccable. As a long-time fan of Bob Haney and Ramona Flaten, I can’t believe I get to follow in their footsteps.
To know him is to love him. He’s the one and only Rex Mason, aka the Transformer… but can he defeat Cy.CLOPS, the criminal furry eyeballs who have traveled from the top of the pop charts to the deepest depths of evil and beyond? Somewhere, far away in the realm of La? To find out, Elemental must survive a hand-picked assassin who can match his transformation… and that’s just the first question!
“This is our take on a classic DC comic,” Ewing continued. “The finished work will satisfy the discerning hypermaniac month after month that they are building up something so ambitious that it might just be a one-way ticket to nowhere to achieve some kaleidoscopic weirdness! Who is the menacing Mr. No. 3? What is Sweetie’s secret? Who is the target of Vandal Savage’s million-year revenge? All these mysteries and more will be revealed in the new era of Metamorpho. Answer – This is our Christmas gift to you!”
Transformers: Elementals #1, Written by Al Ewing, interior art and cover by Steve Lieber, colors by Lee Loughridge, text by Lee Loughridge Ferran Delgadowill be published on December 25, with covers by Erica Henderson, Ian Bertram and Steve Beach. Visit your local comic book store for more details and to pre-order.