Ever since the show became a hit, we’ve known that Netflix has been working on a second (and third) season of the live-action version of Reimagined . “Avatar: The Last Airbender”but now Netflix is ready to give you your first look at the ongoing adventures of Aang and the gang… mostly in the form of a very familiar face.
At tonight’s Geeked Week Live event in Atlanta, Netflix confirmed a second season of the reality show Avatar is in production, with a brief trailer announcing that Miya Cech has joined the main cast to play the beloved the last airbender The character Toph the North Wind. Similarly, introduced early in the animated series’ second season (initially in brief visions before making her full debut in “The Blind Bandit”), Toph is a young blind girl who uses her earth-bending powers to The ability to connect with and connect with the world around you. Initially embarking on a journey with Aang, Katara, and Sokka to teach the young Avatar how to hone his earthbending skills, Toph eventually became one of the most powerful and famous earthbenders around, continuing to discover his son Type earthbending and eventually helping train the next Avatar Korra during the series’ successor, The Legend of Korra.
Cech, who is of Chinese and Japanese American descent, is not blind but will “work with a blind producer and consultant and professionals from the blind community to ensure the blind community is appropriately represented” to shape the show character, according to a press release provided by Netflix.
Despite all the tweaks to the source material, controversial or not, no one will be surprised by the next season. Avatar Tove will be included. After all, Netflix is calling the show’s second season “Earth,” just like the animated series. Time will tell, whether it’s Toph or something else, what else Avatar Compared to the animated series, it will manage to adapt in its second season. Despite its success on the streaming charts, one of the criticisms the first season has been criticized for is its choice to condense the animated show’s 20-episode debut season into just eight episodes. While Netflix has yet to confirm a second or third season of the reality show, hopefully the show will handle this lesson better this time around.
We’ll bring you more information about Netflix plans the last airbender That’s all we know, but with season 2 just entering production, it might be a long time before we see more of Toph and her new friends again.
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