A new stage adaptation of the play was announced on a website launched Thursday Furuya Umaruof Lychee Light Club The manga will be performed at the IMM Theater in Tokyo from January 10th to 26th. The site also revealed the cast and crew of the new stage show.
The cast of the stage play is as follows:
Makishima Hikari Zera
Takumi Kizu as Tamiya
Zhongshan Gaoyue as Jaibo
Seiya Konishi as Nico
Mochizuki Haruki Play Raizo
Sojiro Yoshimura plays Kaneda
Fukusaki Nayuta as Dentaku
Motohisa Harajima as Dafu
Sakurai Kento as Yakobu
Junko Nagao plays Teacher Hagio/Mother Changkawa
Kato Take as Hiroyuki Tsunegawa (double actor)
Ina Seira as Hiroyuki Tsunekawa (double actor)
Kosuke Oseki as Lychee
Hinako Kikuchi plays Kanon
Gu Qingren is directing the stage play and writing the script.
The comic itself is adapted from a stage play Norimiz AmerTokyo Grand Guignol Theater Company. The story revolves around nine students at an all-boys school who create a god-like lychee machine to capture the world’s beautiful women. However, machines eventually become self-aware “and will soon be equally capable of measuring beauty and enforcing justice.”
Furuya Umarua roll of Lychee Light Club riceAnga runs in. Comic Erotica F 2005 to 2006. vertical The comic was released in April 2011. my light club “Our Light Club” prequel comic, ended in 2012. Ota Publishing Houseof Poko Poko Online comic magazine.
The first stage play of the comic was staged in 2012, the second stage play was staged in 2013, and the third stage play was staged in 2015.
The actors from the first stage play also voiced the characters in the 2012 TV anime adaptation of the manga. crunchy After the TV animation was broadcast in Japan, it was broadcast live in many countries.
In 2016, the comic was also adapted into a live-action film.
Source: Lychee Light Club stage play website, comic natalie