Penguin Expanding on Matt Reeves’ ruthless criminal world, arriving on HBO this week batman The film was adapted into a spin-off series based on the villain played by Colin Farrow. While his rogues’ gallery moniker remains the same, the Penguin’s real name was changed to Oswald Cobblepot in the 2022 film, the name he’s had since 1941 detective comics First appearance as “Ozzy Cobb”. Finally, we’ve got some details on why this is happening.
As SFX Magazine reports (via Comics Movie), “Oz Cobb” should not be interpreted as the character shortening his admittedly silly last name. Producer Dylan Clark explained what happened in an interview with the magazine, first pointing to early precedent for Batman villains changing their names. “They never changed his name in the comics like they did with the Riddler, from Edward Nygma to Edward Nashton, from an unreal name to a real name. By doing that, they established the The basis of the character,” Clark said.
Penguin The team has the enthusiastic support of DC Comics boss Jim Lee. “They considered changing his name but never acted on it. Matt asked, ‘Can I call our character Ozzy Cobb?'” Jim said: “Of course!” “So we had the blessing of the King himself. The slight change in name allowed us to look at the character in a down-to-earth way.
Lauren LeFrank, Penguin The showrunners and creators explained that it’s like batmanThe show is “creating new classics” by bringing its own flavor to familiar characters. “It felt like in the Gotham that Matt created in the movie, Cobb didn’t seem like a real person, just like Cobb was a real last name. He was a gangster, which felt more right.
“Cobb” might be a bit sharper, but isn’t it? more Would you feel scared if there was a heartless guy behind you who answered “Cobblepot”?
DC Comics fans will learn more about Farrell’s breakout character PenguinAlso starring: Cristina Milioti (playing Sofia Falcone), Renzi Feliz (playing Victor Aguilar), Michael Kelly (playing Johnny Vitti), Shohreh Aghdashloo (Nadia Maroney), Deirdre O’Connell (Frances Cobb), Clancy Brown (Johnny Vitti) Salvador Maro Salvatore Maroni, James Madio (Milos Grapa), Scott Cohen (Luca Falcone), Michael Zegan (Alberto Falcone), Carmen Ejogo ( (Eve Callow) and Theo Rossi (Dr. Julian Rush) will arrive on HBO on September 19.
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