As expected, The Witcher 3’s REDkit modding tool gives modders the opportunity to try to do a lot of complex things that they were previously unable to do. The latest of these looks to be the first-ever proper attempt to provide full seasons for the entire map, and its creators say they plan to see if the time of year can be dynamically switched in the future.
Yes, while you’re waiting for more news about The Witcher 4, stop trying to decipher the extra lines that another modder added to TW3’s best ending the other day. , which goes a step further than those very good individual mods. For example, we’ve given you a look at what a snowy Toussaint would look like.
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Inspired by Seasons of Skyrim, a mod from a few years ago that used very impressive scripting to let you experience dynamically switching climates, in fact CD Projekt’s latest REDkit mod challenge asks people to contribute to the work Room shows “How Autumn Changes the Continent” and modder ianjoseph1986 organizes “The Continent’s Weather and Seasons”.
“I edited some textures from scratch and ended up making a complete weather and seasons system for The Witcher 3,” the modder wrote. “I redesigned almost every plant and tree in the game for each season. , I can’t do this. [and] weather, change [do] Do justice to these changes.
There’s one key element in Seasons of Skyrim that modders haven’t been able to replicate yet – although they did say it’s something they’re still working on – allowing seasons to switch dynamically without the player having to do anything. As of now, the mod offers different files for four different seasons – and currently requires some existing mods, such as the Toussaint mod I mentioned earlier, to make certain areas colder – if you To change which one you can see in the game, you have to manually go into the game archives.
It will be interesting to see if modders can actually make these dynamic changes work, as Skyrim mods rely on some very advanced modding tools that may not be replicated with TW3 to achieve this , but it’s good for them to push the limits.
If you’re looking for more interesting Witcher 3 mods made with REDkit, be sure to check out the mod that fixed the boat race that CD Projekt removed from the game before its release.