Last summer, fans mourned the death of 75-year-old actor Shelley Duvall. The most famous is The Shining, Time Bandits, Like many others, she began to step away from acting in the early 2000s before retiring completely after her 2002 independent film Manna from heaven. But in 2022, she shocked everyone with the news that she would be back on screen again, in what would be her last role.
that movie is forest hill, The first trailer was recently released ahead of its early October release. In the film, Chiko Mendez plays Rico, a camper in the Catskill Mountains who suffers a blow to the head and ends up having weird, creepy visions that he can’t shake. Eventually, his friend Billy (Edward Furlong) enters Rico’s mind and he may actually turn into a werewolf, and there’s a chance he’s not the only one to have this happen. While grappling with this problem, Rico must also confront his past, primarily his strained relationship with his mother, played by Duvall.
Originally, Duvall was only going to appear via a small flashback cameo, like Pamela Voorhees in the original film. Friday the 13th. But as writer-director Scott Goldberg said, she talked about working with other actors in front of the camera, so her character was strengthened. “Finally being able to work with Shelley, be there in person and actually shoot with her – she’s kind, sweet, gentle and just an amazing actress,” he recalled. “Shelley is an amazing actress and I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to direct her.”
forest hill It will be released in select theaters on October 4th, followed by broadcast on October 8th.
[via BloodyDisgusting]
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