in the latest world of warcraft expansion, civil warthere’s a new way to gain experience and loot individually or collectively. These new instanced scenarios (called “explorations”) can be very profitable if you know how they work and where to find the best loot once you’re done. With the help of seasonal NPCs we can cope with a variety of scenarios that can provide us with loot at the end of each exploration and at the end of the weekend, just like raids, mythic dungeons and PvP.
There are a lot of moving parts in Delves and how they work, so let’s take a look at everything you need to know to get the big items each week.
How exploration works in World of Warcraft
Exploration functions similarly to Mythic Dungeons – the scenes are static and don’t change from week to week, but the hazards seen while traversing the underground dwellings may vary. Objectives, bonuses and bosses can also be switched at any time, so we may not have to run Delve the same way every time to get bonus rewards.
During the main quest, you’ll be introduced to the Pathfinder and run your first Pathfinder on Dorne. This main quest shows you the ropes, teaching you how to make your NPCs stronger or swapping their roles, and gives you specific information on what to expect as you progress through other caves on the map. There are also exploration levels, which are unlocked when your character reaches level 80.
One thing worth noting is that there are 11 levels in total, but you can’t progress to level four or higher until you reach level 80, have 548 items of item-level armor in each slot, and complete the entire campaign. civil war. To unlock levels above level four, you need to complete the previous level in its entirety – completing level four will open level five, completing level five will open level six, and so on.
Explore rewards and a great vault

Exploring is a great way to get tons of loot solo, but you can of course also play in a group if you want to bring a few friends with you. Some rewards can only be earned by completing multiple quest achievements, including mounts Explorer’s Airship and Tusk Giant. At the end of each exploration, you’ll find a treasure room filled with chests filled with gear specifically suited to your class and level, as well as quest items, resonance crystals, underground coins, cosmetics, companion upgrades, and more.
The higher the level you explore, the better rewards you can get, but level 11 is just for showing off to your friends and getting achievements out of it. There is also a weekly world event called the “Exploration Reward Event” where you will get better rewards when you complete exploration that week.
As for the big treasury, civil war Replaced PvP lines in vaults with world options. Just like Myths or Raids, you’ll need to complete 3, 6, or 12 quests to unlock all available loot in the Great Vault. The quality and item level of the equipment in the Great Vault will depend on the difficulty of the exploration completed.
Exploration is a great way to increase your loot intake civil warcompleting weekly activities and unlocking slots in the Great Vault can obtain some equipment equivalent to Hero Raid equipment and Mythic 15+ quality.
More information about new features civil war, Check out our new talent tree guideand Team system Learn how to trade your newly acquired gear into an Alt character for even greater progress!