What do you think Episode 22 of
Shy (TV 2)? Community rating: 4.0

© Bukimi Miki (Akita Shoten)/SHY Production Committee
This series really has a lot going for it. shy It’s at its weakest when it relies on repeated clichés to make a point; it’s strongest when it throws a giant enemy teddy bear at the problem. Because of this, I felt the first half of the episode was rather weak. Good points are made, but the writing doesn’t live up to its complexity. The second half, on the other hand, is sillier and more briskly paced. The episode ends on a higher, more luxurious note.
The funniest thing Teru did this week was intentionally differentiate between Utsuro and Mai. I’ve always used these names interchangeably, but this got me thinking. Despite the comparisons I made to Shinobu Sensui in my previous review, I don’t think Teru doing this indicates that Mai’s personality has actually split. Instead, Teru tries to tell Mai that she can connect with her. The villain Utsuro is a mask, not unlike the heroine Shy. In both cases, the girls hide their weaknesses behind a strong exterior. While Mai may have used this power to do evil things, Teru sympathizes with her reasons for doing so.
While the show drags out this scene for too long, I love how it repeatedly emphasizes the importance and thorniness of forgiveness. This topic is too big for an anime episode review, but I see a very rigid way in which inappropriate behavior is handled by the public (especially people in close-knit communities). Obviously, there’s a lot of nuance here, but the gist of what I’m trying to say is this: If someone thinks their life is over after making one mistake, they’re likely to keep making that mistake twice as often. Mai simply does not believe she can be forgiven, and this despair overwhelms her sincere desire to atone. This is the psychological barrier at the heart of her struggle.
Even though it may have been long, I felt emotionally satisfied seeing Ai reach out to Mai. No matter what, she still loves her sister. If you love someone, you will be willing to share their pain. Heck, Ai is willing to take any punishment. If she had known better, Ai might have become Mai’s protector instead of Utsuro. We can definitely put a lot of the blame at the feet of Ninja Village and custom. But at this moment, both sisters realized their responsibility in this tragedy. It’s not too late to make changes now. It is not easy for Mai to complete this 180 degrees, and shy This is dramatically evoked by the large number of skeletons shackled to her arms. It’s a powerful symbol of the victim’s weight, but Mai can’t use this feeling of guilt as an excuse to indulge forever. She had to break these chains before she could begin her atonement, so she did just that.
It’s cute that Mai’s fellow Amarariruku come to her aid at this point, which echoes the heroes showing up earlier to support Teru. They’re both bad guys, but they still care about each other. Doc looks genuinely hurt when Mai betrays him, and it’s easy to imagine how his own hangover is eating away at him as much as Mai’s. This arc was well done and made me invested in this good lad’s arc, and I hope he becomes a regular. at the same time, to anyone is a cipher, so the jury is out on her. I also like that Kufufu doesn’t even bother to care at this point; it makes sense. After talking to Pepesha and Mai changing her mind, Kufufu is no longer attached to the plot. She’s sleepy – let her take a nap.
Teddy bear surprises are silly and adorable at the same time. I’ve said it before but it’s a good thing shy Never take yourself too seriously. While the writing may never explore the truly rich and thorny themes beneath the surface, it wins many points for its sincerity. Why couldn’t the climax of this arc be the sister tag team taking on a giant stuffed bear filled with evil powers and diamond claws? This is why I watch anime.
Season 2 of Shy is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.
Steve is online twitter While it lasts. If he misspells “Amarariruku” anywhere in the above comment, you have the right to rub it in his face. You can also see him talking about trash and treasure in Anime of the Week.