The show will be rerun and featured over the next 4 weeks

©Kenichi Suemitsu/Derrico Nursery Production Committee
The official website is Delico Nurseryone based on Suemitsu Kenichiof trump card 2009 stage play, it was revealed on Thursday that the second half of the animation (episode 7 and beyond) will premiere on October 16. Replay Episode VI 2, plus a collection of the first six episodes on October 9th.
The sixth episode of the anime aired on Thursday.
The anime premiered on August 7, delayed from its original July premiere.
Crispy roll The series is live now.
Nishikori Hiroshi (a certain magic index, east manga king) is directing animation JC employees. In addition to being responsible for the original work, Sue Guang is also responsible for the script and series composition. Yoko Ito (Amanchu!, prime time) served as the lead animation director and designed the characters based on Kо̄ya’s original designs. Shunsuke Wada (demon slayer, my hero academia, Naruto stage play) is composing music.
Nakajima Mika Singing the opening theme song “Unfair”, Anonymous Sing the ending theme song “Prayer”.
Previous videos describe the show’s story:
In the past, the vampire race that ruled this land possessed immortal power. Now, this power has disappeared, and the world is divided into two categories: a race of mortal vampires and humans with limited lifespans. However, it is said that somewhere in this world, there is the only vampire with immortality. TRUE OF VAMP: The ancestor of Vamps. By connecting the first and last letters, people refer to the origin of the vampire race as “Trump”.
The gothic fantasy story takes place in a world of vampires raised by nobles. Trump, the legendary original vampire, is believed to have immortality. This animation tells the story of Dali Delico, the patriarch of one of the most prestigious aristocratic families.
Suemitsu’s original stage play was performed in Japan in 2009. Sue Mitsuwa Hamakuri debut trump card Comics adapted from the play Kadokawaof young ace The magazine was published in November 2020. Hamakuri There were plans to release a prequel comic titled cocoon this spring, but Delay Debuted due to poor health. The comic launches on September 4th.
Source: Delico Nursery website, former website