© Tower of God 2 Animation Partners
This episode left me with one burning question: was this a good episode or just a good episode In comparison The low bar set by animation? Even looking back now, it’s hard to say. However, it’s safe to say that what we got this week was far better than what we’re used to.
At the most basic level, this episode is about furthering the Horyang story we set up last week. The big shot learns of his friend’s whereabouts and is determined to reunite with him. This episode also went out of its way to fill in a plot hole from last week: why Huo Yang was afraid to take the team together. The fact that Cassano allowed himself to be discovered so easily is suspicious, given the way Cassano has hidden himself over the years. No matter how excited Huo Yang is to be reunited with his friends, something about this whole situation just screams trap.
If nothing else, this episode clearly shows that Huo Yang’s hunch was correct. However, who is behind this and the purpose of the trap remains unclear. A lot of this has to do with the chaos that comes with having Khun’s team involved. They seek out Cassano for their own reasons, and end up fighting Huo Yang and Cassano over the course of the episode.
On the other side of the story, we have Bam dealing with the fact that he left Huoyang alone in a dangerous situation. On the one hand, Bam understands not wanting to put his friends in danger, so he wants to respect Horyang’s choice. Bam, on the other hand, also knows what it’s like to lose a friend – to have a friend die when he had the power to stop it weighs heavily on him. Ultimately, the latter idea wins out, and Bam chases Horyang while the rest of the group tries to find a way to catch up. It’s a great character-building moment for Bam, showing the struggle between his past and present.
Ultimately, it all builds to a powerful climax to the entire season: Bam and Khun’s reunion. The two will soon be in the same place, especially amid the chaos of Cassano, how will the two react to this encounter? How is Rachael doing as she sits with half of Khun’s team? For the first time since the season premiere, I’m excited for next week.
tower of god Season 2 is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.