Her kisses, my sexual desire flickers Raised 3,740,249 yen from 429 backers; No one is lurking under the snow now Raised 2,954,080 yen from 493 backers

© Miyuki Yorita, Xfolio Shuppan
Yori Tian Miyuki’s Crowdfunding Launching a crowdfunding campaign for her English version Her kisses, my sexual desire flickers The manga ended on Saturday with box office revenue exceeding its target of 700,000 yen (approximately $4,762).
Additionally, Aneido has launched a campaign to release his works in English No one is lurking under the snow now The manga ended on August 19 and has raised 2,954,080 yen (approximately US$20,222) from 493 backers.
This event aims to Her kiss, my sexual desire flickers Raised 3,740,249 yen (approximately US$25,448) from 429 backers. Digital and physical versions of the English version of the comic will be released in December. The campaign also surpassed several stretch goals, including English translations of two short comics and physical book covers.
The cartoonist describes its story this way:
Sana was hospitalized after suffering a leg injury. There, she met Ayane, a girl who was hospitalized like her. After meeting Ayane countless times and becoming curious about her appearance, fate helped Sana reach out to her…
Xfolio Shuppan publishes comics digitally in single chapter form and collection form. It is compiled into three volumes in total.
Yorita has three live-action short films released on her, inspired by comics Youtube The channel has English subtitles.

Digital and physical versions of the English version There’s No One Lurking Under the Snow Now: A Queer Fantasy Romance Story Will launch in January. ZorritoIV is translating and Red String Translations is engraving the English version.
The cartoonist describes its story this way:
I was taken in by a peasant family in the snow village, but they were treated horribly. However, fate had different plans for me. One day, I was ordered to visit a mansion in the mountains. My mission is to deliver carrots to this residence that no one wants to visit.
There, waiting for me, was a mysterious, beautiful, and wise man who made the Snowy Manor his home.
Her name is Kay. She was the first person to tell me that she liked me, even though everyone else around me treated me like they despised me.
Although Kay’s shortcomings are selfishness and lying, I think these shortcomings are quite touching.
One day, however, after many visits, Kay suddenly told me not to see her anymore.
When I inquired further, she revealed that she had been forced into an arranged marriage.
Despite her insistence, I still couldn’t accept this reality. I felt like I needed to tell Kay how I felt. “I love you with all my heart, Kai.” “I hope we can get over this fight and be together, Kai.”
So, I climbed the snow mountain again. However, this time I am not going to give carrots, but to express my love for Kai.
Source: “Her Kiss”, “Flickers of My Sexual Desire” Crowdfunding Page, there’s no one lurking under the snow now Crowdfunding Page from Okatsu