Here’s a new trailer and gameplay overview video for this crazy-looking new video game Squirrel holding a gun. In the game, you play as a crazy little squirrel, shooting people around with various guns.
The game’s description reads: “Being a Squirrel with a Gun isn’t easy, but it’s fun! Squirrel with a Gun is a sandbox game focused on exploration and shooting combat.
“Use a variety of weapons to protect yourself from random encounters with agents. Use your natural squirrel skills to climb and jump platforms, and use weapon recoil to span larger gaps.
“Explore the neighborhood from the squirrel’s perspective. Talk to nearby residents and help them get goodies…or rob them to get goodies!”
“Birthday cake extravaganzas, haircuts with flying drones, stunts with toy cars exploding all around – this is the antics a gun-toting squirrel hides, waiting for fans willing to break through the top-secret underground facility in search of the truth.
“If an entire community is terrorized along the way, then … that’s just collateral damage in the search for those coveted, priceless golden acorns.”
The game will be released on PC, Xbox and PlayStation 5 on August 29, 2024.