In crime-ridden Gotham City, “Argus” leader Amanda Waller assembles a group of notorious criminals for a mission: Harley Quinn, Deadshot, the Peacemaker, Clayface and King Shark.
“These DC Super Villains are transported into an otherworldly realm connected to this world through a portal. It’s a world of swords and sorcery, where orcs run rampant and dragons rule the skies – “Elseworlds”!
Harley and others were furious after arriving in another world, but were arrested by the kingdom’s soldiers and imprisoned. They only have 72 hours left before the bomb around their neck explodes.
“The deadline is quickly approaching. After negotiations with Queen Aldora, the condition for liberation is the conquest of the hostile Imperial forces. They have no choice but to rush headlong into the battle front.
They run; they die. They lost; they died. Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad are facing life-threatening danger. Can they survive in another world?
“Get ready for the thrilling saga of an elite task force known as the Suicide Squad as they embark on a jaw-dropping adventure! Let the party begin!
Suicide Squad from Another World is made of Eric Osadascript written by Nagasaki Tapestry and Umehara Eiji. it features character design straight hose and character design drafts Akira Amano. Amano said of working on the series:
Harley Quinn voice actor Nagase Annadead shooter voice actor Yamaguchi Reigopeacemaker voice actor Xiao YasuoClayface voice actor Jun FukuyamaShark King by Subaru Kimura. The voice actor of the Joker is Umehara Yuichiro.