If you’re playing an open-world Ubisoft game, you can rest assured that this will take some time to complete. So it’s not surprising Star Wars Desperados— the first open-world Star Wars game (no, the MMO doesn’t count) — is a very long game filled with countless attractions and activities. This goes double for anyone who wants to complete all the missions in the game and earn all the trophies and achievements. Let’s see how long it takes to beat Star Wars Desperados Depending on how much you want to accomplish.
for how long Star Wars Desperados?
If you want to easily complete the main campaign Star Wars Desperados Without participating in most of its extra content, you can earn credits by simply completing the following 15-20 hours. However, this ignores a lot of interesting content. You didn’t meet the deadline! Take your time.
What does it take to reach 100% Star Wars Desperados?
Indeed, this open-world adventure is massive and densely populated, with NPCs to meet, treasures to find, lore to uncover, and secrets to uncover. What’s more, if you’re a completionist, its massive list of trophies and achievements is sure to keep you super busy. You must achieve maximum reputation with each faction at least once, complete each Expert mission, discover each planet area, find all Nyx treasures, and complete 40 contracts. You’ll also need to complete a variety of miscellaneous activities, such as getting high scores in arcade games, performing a certain number of times in combat, and spending a fair amount of time gambling.
Participation is just Some This may add a dozen hours to an already long campaign, but you can expect to be fully finished Star Wars Desperados take you there 40 hours. That’s an entire work week spent in a galaxy far, far away.

Details are as follows:
How many chapters are there in “Star Wars Outlaws”?
Star Wars Desperados There are 21 chapters in total, some of which unfold in a different order depending on which character you choose to find first.
Here are all chapters of the game:
- start
- outlaw
- crashed
- hell
- new tricks
- false flag
- shipwreck
- hyperspace
- machine gunner
- safe thief
- Robot blacksmith
- Gunsmith (Safe Thief)
- Breakout (Safecracker)
- Hive (Safe Thief)
- Partner (Gunner)
- Jabba’s Favor (Heavy Gunner)
- Viper (Robot Blacksmith)
- Legacy (Robot Blacksmith)
- the truth
- robbery
- reveal
How many planets are there in Star Wars: Desperados?
Star Wars Desperados There are five planets to visit, but rest assured there’s no shortage of unique experiences on each. You’ll explore vast, sprawling areas that are densely populated with NPCs, secrets, and fresh adventures to discover.
Here are the five planets you can explore in the game:
- Akiva
- cantonica
- Kiyomi
- Tatooine
- Salad
Is there anything worth missing in Star Wars: Desperados?
While some of the pacing may be different for everyone, there’s nothing to miss in the story. If you’re looking to complete the game and earn all the trophies and achievements, don’t worry, you can get them all in one playthrough. But if you just want to find the ending, feel free to skip as much non-story stuff as you need.
As you can see, there’s plenty to keep you busy in the first open-world Star Wars game. No matter how much time you decide to spend Star Wars DesperadosHowever, please be sure See our tips on game opening timesand Best accessibility options to choose from when getting started.