On the morning of August 30, Nintendo revealed a new look for the upcoming game. The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. It lasts a little over five minutes, latest trailer Showcasing many new features for Princess of Hyrule Adventure. A kingdom called “Still World,” filled with complex dungeons and creative puzzle platforming, is the main event, but I’m sure most people will be talking about how Zelda will actually use a sword echo of wisdom Released on September 26th.
As we’ve seen in past trailers echo of wisdom A mysterious purple infection is engulfing Hyrule, devouring the land and its people—including Link. It seems that everything sucked into the purple void will be taken to a place called “Still World”, which is shown in the latest trailer. This is a second map that can be accessed from different points in the overworld, kind of like the Dark World in World of Darkness. links to the past.
different from the main world echo of wisdomThe Still World is an upside-down place where the land has deformed and frozen in place. This means some platforms will flip sideways or completely while suspended in the void. This effectively creates a puzzle platformer for Zelda that can be used echothe core mechanism of the game. As we’ve seen before, Echo allows Zelda to summon objects and even NPCs from her staff to complete puzzles and fight off enemies. We saw echoes come in handy in The Still World, with Zelda creating platforms that progressed from one fragmented floating island to the next. Reflecting Hyrule’s diverse environments, the still world is filled with different biomes, making both realms seem filled with fantastic diversity.
In the static world, there are also echo of wisdomdungeon. same as in the past Salda The games will be massive multi-room affairs, filled with tricky environmental puzzles that culminate in a boss. An interesting detail in the new trailer is that it shows Zelda in a 2D side-scrolling perspective, with a transformation reminiscent of some of the locations in The Legend of Zelda dungeons. Link’s Awakeningperhaps drawing inspiration from sarda ii.
Boss battles give you another chance to really test the limits of the echo system. A boss fight shown in the trailer highlights the open-ended nature of these encounters, thanks to the fact that you can summon pretty much anything you want. At one point, we even see Zelda summon a bed during battle and crawl into it, as if the echoes of her summons can take her away from here and she can get some sleep. While this may not be the smartest strategy, as someone who always needs a nap, I can’t really blame her. However, this trailer also reveals that you won’t just be relying on echoes to take down enemies, as Zelda does swing the sword… at least for fleeting moments.

Zelda’s gladiator form – making her the second Nintendo heroine to gain a gladiator form this year Princess Peach: It’s show time!-Gives her a Link-like appearance and her own pointed weapon. This form seems to embody what you would expect from a traditional form Zelda game But the ability is on a timer, so the princess can only swing the sword briefly. In the trailer, we see a bar depleting indicating that the form is at level 1, so this may be something you can level up throughout the game.
In addition to Echoes, Zelda will be able to gather more ways to travel and fight in Hyrule with the help of a range of allies. The trailer introduces us to Dampé, an inventor who will provide The Legend of Zelda with mechanical allies with abilities distinct from Echo’s. But be careful, as these automatics can break if damaged too much. He is just one of the many allies you meet on your journey. All in all, the latest trailer only lets echo of wisdom Looks even more exciting and I can’t wait to get my hands on it.