Square Enix just announced Final Fantasy Brave Exvius (Free) will close on October 30 this year after first launching in June 2016. Final Fantasy Brave Exvius has seen many collaborations, including with some of Square Enix’s best games like NieR: Automata, as well as others like final fantasy 15. It was shut down because Square Enix said it would “have difficulty maintaining the in-app experience.” .
[Important Notice]
Thank you for playing “Final Fantasy Brave EXVIUS”.We regret to announce that we have made the difficult decision to terminate the “Final Fantasy Brave EXVIUS” application service at 23:59 (PDT) on October 30, 2024.
See details here: https://t.co/vcL5Dn8xe4 pic.twitter.com/W6U9QArq5O
At 23:59 PDT on October 30, the service will end and the account will be deleted. if you want to play Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Until then, you can get it on the App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android. Read our review of the original game’s release here. If you’d like to see discussions from the time the game was released to the present day, check out our very old forum thread. have you ever played Final Fantasy Brave Exvius What do you think of today’s announcement?