we just got first trailer Sonic the Hedgehog 3 A day ago, readers, I’ve watched it a dozen times in the past 24 hours. Fans like me used to Scrubbing three-minute trailer Unravel every detail they can find, frame by frame, in The Shadow’s live-action series debut. But there’s one scene that has eagle-eyed Blue fans already speculating on where the series might go after the third film premieres on December 20. Sonic 3’s ending Easter egg?
reins Sonic the Hedgehog 3The trailer shows the speedy hedgehog and his friends reluctantly teaming up with Dr. Robotnik, played by Jim Carrey. When Sonic and friends come knocking on his door, he lets loose and no longer seems interested in world domination, but still possesses enough robots and technology to provide our heroes with a fighting machine against the Shadow that threatens to destroy the world. meeting. However, the good doctor doesn’t seem to be completely free of his evil ways. He only agrees to help save the world, but on one condition: the robot wants one of Sonic’s super-powered quills, which our hero hesitantly gives to him.

In theory, the good doctor could use Sonic’s power source to create a live-action version of Metal Sonic. This robotic replica has been a recurring antagonist throughout the series since its debut Sonic CD 1993. If Robotnik is looking for an advantage in his plot to take over the world, having someone as fast and powerful as his nemesis is a very logical move, and using one of his quills to power this thing is pretty cool. meaningful.
Part of me doubts this, since the movies already offer Sonic an antagonist in Shadow. Metal Sonic is filled with his own complexities and insecurities surrounding his inability to defeat Sonic, unlike other Metal Sonics. The gloomy villain played by Keanu Reevesbut I can imagine Sonic 4 It would feel somewhat similar if two hedgehogs fought again like in the movie. However, if the movie adapted parts of it, I could see Metal Sonic becoming a bigger threat Sonic Heroes. Metal Sonic is a villain in the 2003 game, and after he goes crazy with his powers, every hero, antihero, and villain must team up to take him down. If the movie takes the concept loosely, Metal Sonic could become a live-action Thanos-like figure Sonic universe. If the next movie and Rumored spin-off drama Building on the cast, including missing fan favorites like Rouge the Bat and Amy Rose, Sonic 4 Movie provided a Avengers-style The moment against Metal Sonic sounds like it would make sense.
i sometimes feel Sonic The movie moved too fast because I don’t think there were that many characters that could deliver the same effect People around are excited Sonic the Hedgehog 3. But the first trailer has already shown that the movie won’t exactly follow the same story as the game, so there’s still room for Paramount to find creative ways to incorporate these characters. One concern I have with Metal Sonic is that he needs Robotnik to exist, so it seems to depend on whether Carrey returns for the fourth movie. he has already said He wants to retire from showbiz But still came back Sonic 3. Will the fourth movie push it forward? We’ll see.