Summer is winding down, the days are starting to get shorter, and there’s a new chill in the night air. Now’s the perfect time to catch up on some old games before September’s onslaught Star Wars Desperados‘ launch next week.
This is also a good time to make room for lesser-known releases that deserve more attention, but don’t always let them get lost in the plethora of high-quality releases that are now the norm every month. one of them is dustbournea gorgeous road trip game about band members. the other one is Arcoa pixel art strategy RPG that’s easy to overlook, but is unlike any other.
“This game is a masterpiece,” Wrote Reddit user QubitsAndCheezits. “What’s more important and impressive is that I’ve never played anything like this in my roughly 40 years of gaming.” But even as a group of indie developers Emphasize the importance of outdoor adventure Three types that are also very popular on Steam, Arco Co-founder Franek shared a brutal discovery.
“‘Make. New. Something.’ That’s an interesting proposition until you have to sell your game without a target audience and you need to pay rent,” the developer Tweet. “We made something new. Our game was well-received by critics and players, but sales were terrible. There’s no magic formula that will make God Games a best-seller again (if there is one), other than maybe calling it outside Pokémon.
Day of the Devs Chief Curator Greg Rice recently made this point During the Brighton development keynote in July. “Back in the day… if you had a really good art style, or a really good game mechanic, maybe that would be enough,” he said. “There are so many games nowadays, and in most cases you have to be good at everything. [You need to have] A truly beautiful art style that stands out from the crowd and is instantly recognizable, trying to have a unique and different mechanical gameplay and having a personality behind it that makes it feel like it comes from a place of creativity and passion.
It also takes a lot of luck to survive the modern challenges of Metacritic scores, Steam popularity, and ignorant internet mobs. So maybe spend some time this weekend playing something fun, new and different. Here are six games we’re excited to play this weekend that chart different paths.