Sony Pictures unveils animated features Overlord: Holy Kingdom“The Movie” produced by the company’s professional streamer Crunchyroll will be released in North America on November 8. OverlordAdapted from the novel by Japanese writer Maruyama Hisane.
holy kingdom Continuing from Season 4 Overlord The series stopped. This saga tells the story of Momoka, an ordinary salaryman who finds himself trapped in his favorite video game. Animated by Japanese studio Madhouse, the film covers the arc also known as “The Sacred Kingdom.”
Sony will release the film in Japanese in Imax and premium large formats, with English subtitles and English dubbing. The film will face off against Lionsgate’s holiday comedy on the weekend of November 8 Best Christmas pageant everFocus Feature Award Contenders secret meetingand Vertical’s sci-fi thriller. altitudestarring Anthony Mackie.
Overlord: Holy Kingdom The film is directed by Naoyuki Ito, and Yuki Sugawara is responsible for the script coordination. Satoshi Tasaki is responsible for character design and lead animation direction, illustrations are drawn by so-bin, and music is drawn by Shuji Katayama.
Japanese anime is hitting U.S. theaters with increasing frequency as the industry’s global influence continues to rise. Published by Sony and Crunchyroll Blue Lock: Nagiji Opened in the United States on June 28 (earning $1.8 million). Japanese studio giant Toho will launch My Hero Academia: You are next It will be released in North America on October 11.
“Crunchyroll”, which Sony acquired in 2021, has achieved great success in domestic theaters in recent years. Dragon Ball Super: Superheroes It grossed US$38.1 million in North America and US$86.5 million worldwide. A year ago, the company launched Jujutsu Kaisenwhich had domestic revenue of $34.5 million and global revenue of $166.7 million.