Last week, Marvel Studios released its first movie Daredevil: Rebirth During D23, it featured Charlie CoxDaredevil and Vincent DonofrioKingpin faced off again.
We also have a sneak peek Joe Bernthal’s Frank Castle (aka “The Punisher”) returns to action. Fans also appeared to have spotted White Tiger in the video, which was eventually removed from the internet.
Not only has the video been released, but Cox himself has also been hyping up the show and teasing fans with the promise of some “nice little cameos” on the show. Screen Rant was in attendance and they reported that Cox said:
“We don’t follow any comic books story-wise. We don’t follow any of them closely, and there are a lot of reasons for that.
One, because if you pay close attention to the storyline, it becomes a foregone conclusion because everyone knows how it ends.
Those of you who have seen the leaked trailer for D23 may have noticed the presence of a few interesting characters – not my words, yours. The trailer has now been taken down so I won’t say anything.
The actor said at the time that he was excited for his character to appear alongside White Tiger and the other unsung heroes who would eventually appear on the show.
“I remember getting these scripts, and the characters that I was specifically thinking about now, and I remember when I read them [story] Before I started working on Daredevil in 2014.
I always thought it was a really cool storyline and a really interesting character; the dynamic between the two of them was so interesting. It’s really fun and I’m really excited about it. There are some other nice little cameos that appear.
The new collection is reportedly inspired by Demon’s Reign The storyline explores the power dynamics between the Kingpin and the vigilantes who confront him. The story revolves around the power struggle between Daredevil and Wilson Fisk, who later became the mayor of New York.
Daredevil: Rebirth Developed by director Justin Benson and Aaron Mooreheadwho has worked in both Moon Knight and Loki.
Daredevil: Rebirth It is expected to be released on Disney+ in March 2025.