Recently, the number of exposures of Diablo 4 during Gamescom week has been increasing. We got our first look at mercenary AI companions, a detailed explanation of the system, more details on the new explorable areas of Nahantau, and even some details on the features that will be available to all players with the release of Containers of Hate – like the new Party Finder.
However, those who choose to pay for the expansion can look forward to some final supplementary content after the campaign ends.
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The massive new endgame campaign in Vessel of Hatred is designed specifically for co-op. It’s called Dark Castle, and it’s unlike any other endgame mode in Diablo 4. The final boss battle ends.
The main enemy faction in Dark Castle is the first Khazra, and from the trailer, it looks like they have some new tricks up their sleeves. Dark Castle sounds a lot like a raid, even though Blizzard isn’t calling it that. Different wings of the campaign can be completed over multiple visits, meaning you can pause your run and return to continue later.
Dark Castle also has its own rewards, unique to each level. Each week there will be a certain number of rewards that you can earn the first time you complete a run in the new week. There’s even a new currency – Citadel Coins – that can only be earned by playing events, and can be spent on more cosmetics later.
Dark Castle is designed for a four-player squad, but two players can also run it, although that won’t be easy. Good news? This isn’t even the only new activity in Hateship!
There’s also the Undercity, a new dungeon made up of multiple stages. This particular event is of the Time Attack genre, which means it will reward efficient building and quick enemy clearing. Blizzard says it’s designed to ease players into the endgame, meaning it will be a great place to earn XP quickly and maybe even earn some gear for the endgame.
It’s also an activity that evolves as you play Diablo 4. Tributes come in different qualities, and each tier increases the challenge and potential rewards.
Hateship will be released on October 8th for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.