Dane’s armor set is a complete four-piece armor set that is only available in The shadow of the tree in “Elden Ring” expansion. This armor is the same armor worn by Dryleaf Dane himself, but you’ll need to explore a little more to find one of your own. While Dane’s armor set may not offer the best protection, it has a lot of style, making it one of the most popular armor sets in the DLC.
Here’s what you need to know about the Dain armor set and where to find it.
Dane Armor Set Statistics and Features
When all parts are equipped, Dane’s armor set has a total weight of 12.1.
This armor provides very limited damage cancellation, so if your main goal is tanking hits, this won’t be a good set to keep equipped. However, its “badass priest” aesthetic is certainly enough to offset its reduced protection for many fashion-first players.
Where to find Dane’s armor set
Dain’s armor set requires you to visit two locations, as Dain’s hat was obtained from Dryleaf Dain himself, while the rest of the armor can be found elsewhere.

The Dried Leaf Dane is located in Skarduartus outside the ruins of Moss. Completing his brief questline will provide you with the Dane’s Hat and his Dry Leaf Art weapon. Follow our Guide to Dried Leaf Art Get both of them.
With these obstacles out of the way, your next stop will be another spot in Scaduartes that requires some cliffside maneuvering. Fast travel to the Upper Grace Hermit River Ruins. From the Grace Ruins, continue along the left cliff and when the two are close, cross the right cliff.

Soon after, you’ll see an area that allows you to descend. Do this, then go around the hill to the platform with all the ghostly tombstones. Descend along the platform below until you reach the river below. The waterfall to your right contains the rest of Dain’s armor set, which includes the Dryleaf Robe, the Dryleaf Armwrap, and the Dryleaf Crusader.

Once you’ve found each piece of Dain’s armor set, you can now equip them all to look as cool as Dryleaf Dain. Don’t forget to equip the Dry Leaf Art Weapon and completely immerse yourself in the battle monk mentality!