David was giving his last sermon in church when he saw a message from a friend in the Vatican. It would be cool to see the Pope in the final episode. I digress, the three are called in for a final assessment – a professor with ALS who uses a voice box to communicate may join the church, but there are concerns he worships evil. Kristen thought the case would be anti-climatic and it just so happened that the professor sexually harassed Kristen. He also called in the middle of the night, but King showed up again, and the scene was terrifying.
It was a mistake for all the priests to show indifference to the dissolution of the church. Anyway, a relic goes missing, and it turns out the plot leads to Sister Andrea’s best work, as she cruises the demon that ate it. Additionally, she and Father Ignatius had another heart-to-heart conversation about faith. I’m really going to miss both of these characters.
David finally gets an interesting storyline in this episode with the other new Vatican handler assigned to him. He takes a human polygraph test and is sent on a mission to gather information from Leland. They also ended up having a real conversation with Leland revealing details about his time that matched David’s and at the end you didn’t know who was playing who, but I really enjoyed seeing David put the lights on Knock it off Leland. His conversations with his new agent and Leland also solidified the lengths he would go to to keep Kristen safe.
An interesting tidbit is that since David observed Leland remotely, they each had a piece of the other. The comic relief of this episode is Leland watching cute pet videos online and crying. David, on the other hand, is even more angry and Sister Andrea has to constantly cleanse him of the leech demon. Speaking of Sister Andrea, her battle with the Red Demon wasn’t her only great moment in the episode. She proves herself to be Wonder Woman when she confronts the professor’s assistant, a demon in disguise. She beat him so badly that he had to drive nails back into his skin. His reveal really made me jump – another great aspect I love about this show is the jump scares. Very few TV shows these days live up to that.
Since the professor’s actions have been explained scientifically, his story doesn’t have much impact on the plot. It’s wrapped in a neat bow, but the rest of it, not so much. Ben’s questions are left hanging, not to mention the apocalypse David saw in Leland’s apartment. Leland agrees to leave Christine alone if David leaves the priesthood, but he has been reassigned to join the security forces in Rome, much to Christine’s sadness.
One episode left many questions unanswered. What did you think of this episode? Leave a comment and remember to follow me on X @jereereviews to keep the conversation going.