The video game adaptation craze continues to thrive, even in the midst of the recent slump. Amazon to join team behind Netflix animated sci-fi anthology series Love, death + robots Doing the same thing, but for video games, it brings to life some of the gaming industry’s heavy hitters.
According to Deadline, Prime Video is developing it in partnership with Tim Miller and Blur Studios secret levelan animated anthology series that aims to bolster its lineup of adult-focused animations. While little is known about the series so far, industry reports suggest the show will adapt multiple video game series within its episodes, including an indie platformer/roguelike Cavingand a less-than-stellar colonial MMORPG from Amazon Games’ own publisher library New World.
Considering Amazon Games doesn’t have many other forms, well, game Adaptation – Although it will be interesting to see Amazon pivot to adapt to upcoming products Lord of the Rings massively multiplayer online games ring of power Still going on – no surprise then secret level That will apparently expand into adapting games from other publishers. According to Deadline , the series will initially be expanded through a series of adaptations of famous PlayStation series.
While no details have been revealed about which PlayStation games might be part of the series, Sony has plenty of options. Obviously we already have the last of us HBO and Amazon themselves are already working on live-action adaptations Mars. But the latest plan is horizon Netflix adaptation fails as co-showrunners face charges The Umbrella Academy’s Steve Blackman, so Aloy at least has the potential to jump into animation, as well as other candidates like Ratchet and Clank or astronomy robot This is great for animation. Hey, why not throw one away? Uncharted When we adapt in the fire, too?
It’ll be interesting to see the scope of the show, but it’s already an interesting idea, especially if it can provide a home for adapted game series that desperately need to be explored in formats outside of gaming may not necessarily be able to sustain their long-term adaptation. There is no doubt that if secret level A more official reveal will be made at Gamescom next week. But in the meantime, if there’s a particular franchise you’d like to see get the animated treatment here, let us know in the comments.
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