Tom Holland has been Sony’s golden boy ever since he played Peter Parker in the Marvel Universe, so you can see why they’d position him as the face of another supposed hit movie franchise. He’s one of the biggest young action stars of the last decade, so if they want to switch UnchartedFor Nathan Drake to become an iconic movie hero to match his status in video games, what could be a worse choice than Holland. However, where Uncharted The film’s flaw isn’t Holland’s Drake, but Mark Wahlberg’s Victor “Sully” Sullivan. Holland goes to great lengths to capture Drake’s swashbuckling spirit, while Wahlberg plays a character who’s nothing like the lovable, charismatic father figure fans know and love. Instead, we get a paranoid asshole who happens to have a name for himself. What makes this movie ostensibly believable? Uncharted The game only succeeds because of its big action set pieces, some of which the game pays homage to, such as grafting each game’s best moments into a Frankenstein-esque storyline. So it’s content to give you a bastardized version of the center’s real heart: Nathan Drake’s relationship with the people who followed him to hell and back. —Kenneth Shepherd