this is what you want let her Otacon Saturday morning Q&A panel debuts. this Love life! Voice actor No stranger to performing in front of people, she surprised even herself Otaconhuge attraction. “I didn’t expect to see so many people, so I was surprised,” Uchida said with a smile. “This is a great convention!”
After briefly outlining some of her previous roles, Uchida detailed how she got into anime. “As a child, I liked Sailor Moon,” she says. “I have an older sister and we play these characters together. It’s fun. I like Usagi, but my sister likes Sailor Mercury.”
Uchida later revealed her background in the industry: “I’ve always been interested in working, but I didn’t want to be a voice actor. I wanted to be Sailor Moon! Uchida and the audience chuckled for a while. “When I was in middle school, I happened to see a magazine devoted to dubbing: Seiyu grand prix! In that magazine I found a lot about auditioning for voice actor roles. So I realized, wow, being a voice actor, that’s really what I could be!
she continued. “My first audition was in middle school. I read an image There’s a contest where you audition for a role, and if you win, you get into this voice acting school for free. I won the Special Prize, not the Grand Prix. So I was allowed into the school, but I didn’t get tuition. After the audience let out a wistful “wow,” Uchida said she was a normal high school student again. “But after graduation,” she said, “I gave it another try and decided to go to voice acting school! But… with my own money.
when the time comes Love life! During the discussion, a fan asked which one Love life! She loves the characters she plays with. The twist: It wasn’t a birdie. Uchida’s ultimate musical partner? “Brother Nico Nico!” she said, imitating her haughty bandmate’s gestures.
But the craziest question? This is also one of the best questions I hear in any group. “If all the members of U fell into the river, who would you save?” Uchida looked dazed and confused, but in the end he still found it funny and thought about it before answering: “Kanayo-chan. She seems to be a good swimmer. So I will save her!
Discussion of her non-animated roles eventually gave way to talk about her role in the new dub sex and the city Spin-off series that’s all. Uchida recalled the first encounter when he played Charlotte’s adopted daughter Lily. sex and the city Looking back at the day’s film, commenting on how she thought she would never get a role like this. But it ultimately served her well as it sparked her love of playing with children. “I love playing the role of a little boy,” Uchida said. “So one of my favorite brothers is kyoto animationof milking. One of the motivations of being a voice actor is that you can be anything you want to be. A boy, a girl, an animal!