The Sephiroth boss fight in the first Kingdom Hearts remains one of the toughest in the series, and it turns out his voice actor wasn’t successful in beating it.
We’ve all been there: you’re climbing the ranks at Olympus Arena without a single worry in the world. You’re taking down Titans, you’re fighting your Final Fantasy friends, and you did it! Then those damn strings started playing and the one and only Sephiroth appeared. Of course, you’ll be totally cheering because he’s tough as nails. He’s still tough to this day and is arguably harder to fight than Sephiroth in the second game, as your toolset is wider in the sequel. So I can’t entirely blame Lance Bass, the voice actor for the character in the first Kingdom Hearts game (and also a member of some boy band called NSYNC or something) for failing to beat him .
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According to GamesRadar, Bass recently hosted a Reddit Ask Me Anything to promote his upcoming TV special, and a fan asked him how he voiced Sephiroth and if he had ever played it. game and beat the Final Fantasy 7 villain. Bass responded: “Yeah, I’m kind of awesome as Sephiroth. No, I’ve never been able to kill my character. He’s so hard! But it’s definitely one of the biggest surprises when I tell people I played Sephiroth. When I was voicing Feros, I actually think a lot of people were upset and they were surprised that I was voicing Sephiroth, but God gave you a booming bass and you gotta use it!
He’s definitely a surprising casting choice, but the first Kingdom Hearts game was filled with them. They’re also both very appropriate for their time periods – “Buffy” and its spin-off “Angel” star David Boreanaz voices Leon, and Even Stevens’ Kristi Carr Christy Carlson Romano voices Yuffie, singer and “Tangled” star Mandy Moore voices Alice, and everyone’s least favorite Titanic villain Billy Zane plays the villain Anselm in Kingdom Hearts. Who can forget Haley Joel Osment as Sora in The Sixth Sense , the only one from the aforementioned cast who still voices her character.
Point is Bas, you’re not the only one struggling with Sephiroth. With a little training and a lot of level grinding, I believe you can do it!