For two weeks, Intel has been under fire for instability in its 13th- and 14th-generation desktop chips. If you haven’t been following the news, microcode algorithms have affected the series of tweets mentioned above. It sent the wrong voltage request to the processor, causing the user’s computer to crash. That was bad enough, but then Tom’s hardware reported that any damage done was permanent.
Intel announced that it will release a patch to address the issue, which will be released in mid-August. That’s great, but what about permanent damage? according to computer gamerIntel is trying to turn things around by Extended warranty Affected boxed chips are reduced for two years. Now, If your chip is in a pre-built system, Intel advises consumers to “contact your system manufacturer’s support team.”
While this is a good move, don’t assume it’s out of Intel’s good intentions. There are reports that a law firm has begun investigating and filing a class action lawsuit against the chip maker. The company is extending the warranty to cover situations where the chip has been a good way to get rid of angry consumers in the past.
But not that fast. It seems Intel is even having issues with warranty extensions. There are rumors from some Reddit users that Intel isn’t sticking to their end of the deal. Jerubedo posted details of the disappointing back-and-forth in the r/hardware subreddit Contact Intel Customer Support. Intel’s RMA. Despite providing the company with all the documents requested in the RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) form, they still did not get any satisfactory result.
Instead, Intel told Jerubedo that the products they purchased were “re-branded” and not genuine. Despite purchasing two boxed 14900Ks, one from Amazon and one from Microcenter. Berube went to great lengths to bring a chip back to Microcenter and asked the retailer to confirm that the chip had not been tampered with and was authentic. Intel refused to budge and said the chips were actually fraudulent.
In a letter to Reddit users, Intel said: “As part of Intel’s ongoing efforts to prevent fraud in the marketplace, please note that if you submit a product for warranty support that is found to be rebranded or otherwise fraudulent, Intel reserves the right to retain the product. product and/or the right to destroy the product at its discretion.