If you’d spent nearly two decades holding out hope for 2005’s wacky action game hitman 7 Get some kind of reward, then you’re not alone. It turns out that the original creator of this game, Grasshopper ManufacturingGoichi Suda (also known as Suda51) and Shinji Mikami ( resident Evil reputation) also want to bring it back hitman 7 In many ways. This could include making the game more accessible to modern audiences, and ideally, that would also mean sequels.
Mikami and Suda discussed the cult classic in a recent discussion grasshopper direct July 31st. Shadow of the Damned, which will be released this Halloween. During the presentation, Mikami said he was “happy to see Suda make a sequel” hitman 7,” Of course, Mikami also participated in this plan.
Sudha seemed surprised by the statement, with her initial reaction being: “Seriously?” Sudha later joked that they might see a sequel or remake hitman 7 In the future, whenever he works with Mikami on this project, although he would prefer to make a complete version of the original before moving on to something new. “Fans may like the full version,” Mikami noted. “It’s actually feasible.” If a sequel does happen, the pair already have some names in mind, such as Hitman 7: Beyond or killer 11.
hitman 7 Released in 2005 on GameCube and PlayStation 2. hitman 7, seven assassins working for the U.S. government. All seven killers are different personas of the protagonist (an old man in a wheelchair) who manifest themselves from his mind. If this sounds weird, well, that’s not even the beginning. The game has a twists and turns thriller story, full of international political intrigue, weird fictional history and conspiracy-style carnival. Although there has been no sequel nearly two decades since its release, hitman 7 It’s a cult classic and Sudha himself has it long term voice About wanting to do more with intellectual property rights. Although he has Said in the past Since Capcom owns the rights, this “may never happen” and we can all dream about what could have been.