During awards season, the hottest fashion statements came from Takashi Yamazaki and Godzilla minus one The team took every opportunity, even on the Oscars red carpet, to show off stunning custom shoes complete with Godzilla claw heels. Good news: Now you can follow suit and become an Oscar winner who made history Very Specifically, if you’re willing to spend $725.
Toho announced today that Ha | Za | high-heeled dress shoes designed by Ryosuke Matsui will be available for the first time in the West through official Godzilla stores: the men’s design is designed by Yamazaki himself, and the women’s heel design is inspired by the visual image Special effects director Kiyoko Shibuya at the 2024 Oscars. Shoes are not precise Wearing a match minus one Team: They have gold details and claws designed to reflect the film’s Oscar-winning win.
However, they’re still incredibly killer shoes, so they’re also incredibly expensive: Men’s dress shoes cost $725, while women’s pumps cost $650. The price to pay for Oscar-winning monster fashion!
Both shoes are available for pre-order now until August 29th, with an estimated ship date of May 2025.
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