Reviewer Rating: 4.1/5.0
Sometimes, love alone is not enough.
However, that doesn’t make Tommy’s plot in 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5 Episode 4 any easier to stomach.
Seriously, could they give that poor woman a break anytime? Will Talos be our only 9-1-1: Lone Star wedding?

Hoarder’s House – House of Horrors
One of the things I appreciate most about 126’s is that they don’t judge others.
They get some of the weirdest calls, and even if things require a specific response, they rarely make the person they’re treating or helping feel judged.
That sweet old woman with a high pain threshold and a dead cat, living in a house that is reprehensible in this city, despite that and the fact that everyone nearly suffocated and got sick trying to get close to her, but They never made her feel like a horrible person for doing it.
As someone who knows how relatives have become hoarders in the past, I found this to be quite endearing, and the hilarious moments that followed were not particularly at the woman’s expense.

Speaking of funny, Brian Michael Smith is so good at comedy beats that one can only hope he considers a great comedy to pursue future roles.
Paul turned around and went to get the woman’s purse, and his whole reaction was really hilarious and relatable and had me laughing out loud.
Paul is already a better person than most because he re-entered that home and braved a horde of rats to find this woman’s purse.
But the way he did it, making loud noises to get them to run away from him, recounting his every move, letting them know he meant no harm, and desperately trying to get out of there as quickly as possible, was basically what I was doing myself. Situations where I encounter creepy crawlers, furry critters, or anything outdoors related.

The revelation of the sprinkler incident is paramount, but it’s a difficult time for animal lovers who have struggled with death in the media.
TNT’s call was the grossest, most harrowing
We’ve seen some great TNT action, and it’s great that 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5 is leaning so strongly into this dynamic.
This is one of the strongest, and the close relationship that develops between Tommy, TK, and Nancy is so adorable.
This also leads to some great content and more scenes for Nancy, who the series notoriously underused before but now has more time to flourish.

Their pregnant women’s emergency calls are shockingly distressing for a number of reasons.
There’s a comedic aspect here, where a woman in active labor wants an elaborate birth plan with soothing lights, candles, ambience, and all that good stuff because her husband disobeys her orders. Terrified.
But there is another side. The United States has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world, and childbirth is often the moment a person is closest to death.
This was a horrific ordeal and the poor man was not wrong in being proactive in trying to save his wife and children.
In the end, it was a good thing because she ended up bleeding after giving birth.

Her life or death hangs in the balance as countless things work against her, from the elevator getting stuck to the timing of the blood delivery to Paul breaking the drill bit.
That she survived is a miracle in itself.
Paul Overcompensates in 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5 Episode 4
Throughout this process, people’s hearts were with Paul.
A lot of things happen to a person when he gets any kind of promotion or finds himself in some position.
Interestingly, the series didn’t go the way I expected, and Paul struggled with imposter syndrome.

So many factors could have led to a particular storyline.
Instead, Paul struggled with others not liking him anymore because of this new level.
For him, being the new lieutenant overseeing his close friends was unlike Judd, who had always been more of a big brother to them all, with his main circle of friends consisting of Owen and Tommy.
Positions of authority can test relationships and friendships, so Paul’s concerns are justified, especially since he felt insecure due to the abandonment of his childhood friends.
The purpose of a team is to leverage the team
Paul was trying to do too many things.

What’s the use of being the second-in-command of a team if you don’t realize it’s a team for some reason?
Not alone here, and while it was a bit comical that Owen was trying to teach Paul a life lesson, I’m glad it worked at some point.
There was a genuine fear that he would end up getting seriously injured on that stupid ladder, more serious than his back, and that he would be off the show forever because he couldn’t get anyone to help him.
Opal’s near death was a reality check for him, as his own actions may have been part of the reason she didn’t get intensive care in time.

Fortunately, this was 126, and they respected Paul and considered him family, so they wouldn’t abandon him or treat him badly because of his status.
However, what Irving said to Marian in 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5 Episode 3 remains curious.
When he said that line about his bad decision in choosing Paul, I wondered if he actually did it.
9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5 Episode 4’s Tommy and Trevor Deaths Are Bad
It’s disappointing that the show invested so much time in Tommy and Trevor that their relationship ended this way.

Maybe things will change, but for now, it makes perfect sense that he would want to go back to Kansas to where his daughter is.
Melody’s frustrating and dangerous game of creating tension between her mother and Tommy aside, it’s clear that she needs to be with her mom.
She had always wanted that, and Trevor had to be there for his daughter.
Tommy and Trevor are not on the same page right now, and one has to wonder if this will continue, or if one of them will be able to take action if necessary.

While I’ve always been more indifferent to this pairing than a die-hard shipper or anything else, unfortunately, that chapter seems to be coming to an end.
Once all the revelations about Cassandra’s secret antics, Judd offering support like a true bestie, and Nancy stirring the pot and getting ready to kick some ass on Tommy’s behalf are put aside, things end on a sad note.
It was special for Tommy to learn how to love again after the death of his husband.
9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5’s limited use of TK is noteworthy

This is an unpopular opinion since TK is a fan favorite, but I don’t mind the series pushing him over the edge.
We have a lot of great characters and it’s great to spend more time with them and learn about their different facets and interactions.
However, it’s becoming increasingly clear that TK has taken a back seat, which is enough to make me wonder what they’re going to do with him in the future and how they’re going to lay the groundwork for it.
We’re four episodes into the shortened final season, but we’re starting to realize how little we know about TK’s condition beyond Carlos throwing himself into his work and investigating his father’s murder.

It’s a bit of a shift for the series, and while Irving has been blessed to take a backseat in some ways, it at least feels like we’re getting some insight into his life now as well.
Over to you, Lone Star fanatics.
What do you think of Tommy and Trevor’s breakup?
Do you think there is too little traditional knowledge so far?
Is Paul fit to be a lieutenant?
Let’s hear all your thoughts below!
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