Planning a meeting requires some level of organization required for some other task. Maintaining a sharp focus while getting your job done quickly is key.
Here are 7 hacks to stay on track and improve your productivity:
1. Production list
One of the most important parts of the day is that you spend 20-30 minutes planning the tasks you need to complete. Set aside time every morning to organize your day and make a list. For some, this helps spend the first half of the day working on the project and the second half of the year focusing on email and phone calls. If you do the opposite, you may find yourself trapped in response so that you can never do what you need to do.
2. Close notification
With all the emails, inter-office and social media notifications you receive in one day, it’s amazing how you can accomplish anything. Close anything except basic ping during your business day. If you have committed to launching a new project or by the deadline, turn off your phone and email alerts until it is completed.
Obviously, the ability to be unplugged depends on your settings, such as when running events. One hacker that limits your notifications on the website is to make everyone know that you will only reply to text.
3. Raising projects
The most effective way to not be overwhelmed by large-scale projects is to break them down into smaller, more achievable tasks. Breaking down a big project will help you focus on one step at a time, and you need to think about the next step ahead of time.
5. Organize a calendar
Keeping a good calendar can help you track tasks and plan your day. With a look at the entire timeline, you can focus on upcoming projects and plan new projects correctly on emerging ones. Some planners use paper calendars, while others prefer their Outlook calendars, which they can sync to all devices. The online calendar also offers pop-up reminders, which is a useful tool in itself.
6. Determine the most productive time of your day
Learn about your most productive time of the day and plan your schedule accordingly. People in the morning may be more willing to finish their work before the sun rises, while others may need a (or two) of coffee before they can swing. No matter which time of day you have the best working hours, self-awareness and honesty of the most productive time will help you increase your output and increase your focus.
7. Stop multitasking!
Yes: Contrary to what most people think, multitasking does not lead to higher productivity. The time you spend on quest to task can actually be a waste and can lead to a lack of concentration. Try focusing on one project at a time, then keep moving forward and finish again.