Once upon a time, the United States of America enjoyed a holiday called Thanksgiving. However, over time, as cultures shifted and countries changed, it eventually evolved into the celebration we all know and love now. That’s right, thanks to the game! Every year on this day, everyone in America and around the world comes together to celebrate unknown indie games.
as one has become annual Tradition exist my citywe put out a call to indie developers to let us know about their upcoming or recently released games that are getting a lot of attention, so we can highlight them on this big platform that takes a day off from gaming news to flesh out what it has to offer with turkey.
As always, our inclusion of these games here is not a comment on their quality, as we haven’t played them unless otherwise noted. Instead, these are from hundreds The emails we received (over 400, in fact, just to give you an idea of how many games there are out there), serve to highlight just how extraordinary the diversity and possibilities exist in the vast world of indie games.
If you want to support these developers and their projects, there’s a lot you can do. Add them to your wish list Make a real difference and help developers gain access to algorithms and Financial concern, not to mention it will remind you to buy it when it comes out. It’s also important to tell others! Urge your favorite YouTubers to check it out. Force your grandparents to play the demo version. Carve the game’s URL into your nearest hillside.
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*I’ve done a minimal amount of curating of the featured content, but it’s minimal.