serve the emperor Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 It can be a little daunting at first. The game throws a lot of challenges at you, especially when you’re fighting tribal armies or going head-to-head with pagans in PvP. Here are 11 tips you should know before signing up to become a Space Marine.
Use the environment to your advantage
Often, when you find yourself in combat, you might notice some bright blue boxes, red barrels, or glowing plants. When they are shot, they explode and damage everyone around them, including yourself. This is something you want to use, especially when the game throws a lot of enemies at you. This will help ensure you limit their numbers effectively.
Don’t be afraid to jump into battle

Half the fun of being a Space Marine is being able to tear your enemies apart. So if you see someone coming towards you, don’t show fear and just run towards them. Many times, the game will encourage you to engage in melee combat, and if you successfully execute someone, you’ll receive an armor bonus during combat.
Read more: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2: this my city review
You take no damage while executing

Borrowing this last tip, whenever you perform an execution, you won’t take any damage. This is great because it gives you a brief moment to breathe and make a plan for your life. Or you can use this time to ask your friends to help kill enemies around you while playing co-op.
Don’t be afraid to use spent ammo
Most of the time, you’ll find yourself outnumbered in combat. With this in mind, don’t be afraid to throw grenades or shoot until you run out of ammo. star warrior 2 Not stingy, and will constantly give you more ammo and grenades.
Watch out for fatal injuries

Be careful if you see “Mortally Wounded” on the screen while you’re down. Because if you go down any further, you’ll die. You can heal by using stimulation, but it takes some time.
you can taunt
Being a Space Marine is fun in itself. But you can make the game more fun by laughing at your enemies as you murder them. This won’t give you any advantage, but it will make you feel unstoppable.
Run and reload

Unlike many other games, you can reload while running. So if you find yourself surrounded, don’t be afraid to keep your distance while reloading.
Switching to pistol is faster than reloading
Speaking of reloading, you’ll quickly find that switching to a pistol is much faster than reloading your main gun. The only downside is that once you empty the pistol clip, you need to reload both weapons.
Don’t be obsessed with a gun

More often than not, the weapons the game throws at you are the ideal weapons to use in the situations you’re about to encounter. It’s in your best interest to use them and adapt to switching weapons on the fly.
You can only carry two stimulants
Stimulation is meant to heal you. It’s worth mentioning that you can only carry two at a time, so make sure you only use them when you absolutely need to.
Conduct classroom experiments
When it comes to finding the right class for you to play, it can be a little daunting. We highly recommend experimenting with all six categories. Each mission will give you some tidbits about what they’re doing, plus you’ll be rewarded with items for completing the mission.