When it comes to RPGs, I’m traditionally a “hardmode” player. I hate it when I can optimize all the difficulties in a game, and I especially don’t want one game holding my hand. So I don’t say Dragon Quest’s hard mode lightly Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remastered Edition It’s the worst way to experience the game.
Not only does this make a series of random battles take longer to digest, but the mode also reduces your experience and money earnings from encounters. This is real The bad thing is Dragon Quest IIIas the game’s signature class-changing mechanic forces party members to start over at level 1 and build their stats again. In other words, playing Draconian Quest means either spending more time without interesting cross-class characters, or doing more level grinding just to get your party members back up to speed.
If you want a challenge, just play the normal Dragon Quest mode and use skills like Rogue bigfoot to reduce the chance of random encounters. This naturally levels up your party, allowing you to spend more time exploring every nook and cranny in search of hidden treasures.